Today, Arabs without capital, without any political reference: countries torn by civil wars or similar «albeit latent», they Manrbun among themselves, some of them collude on others to the extent of participating in the war against him under the pretext of disagreement with his regime. The four Arab countries, at least, is burning in the heart of the war and on. There are other countries concerned are trying to avoid the fire extended to them, at any cost, Vtstday foreign troops to protect them. There are other countries dropped the state of hostility to Israel for safety. Another states coordinate with the Israeli enemy an intelligence, as well as to deal with it economically. In the field of culture and education, we can say without reservation that the new Arab generations do not know the language, and the language of communication at home hybrid «something from the French or English inlaid Arab words broken», and music and singing and the rest of the head to the conscience Vigve, almost foreign or hybrid . And «elites» Arab prefer to talk in a foreign language «often English, French and in some cases, and some countries that have long subjected the French occupation, as states north African private Algeria, and Morocco, to some extent .. As for Lebanon Fajlait of French and English ..». Indeed, the new generations in Egypt in particular are not fluent in Arabic, such as fleeing from backwardness and insularity attributes in the era of globalization has not touched its doors. «Language of the internet and its derivatives are all English Mamrkh ..».