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The most dangerous move of sedition in the country of her family did not know of them from «Zyoud» One of them «Ahawaf», especially and they were praying together in one mosque, and intermarrying unabashed. In short, there are those who dreamed of in the kingdom that makes Yemen «Lebanon» new, the land of tourism, culture, and services judged from outside, and stave off the risk of the gilded family in Riyadh. Anyway, not Yemen in the near future, even if I stopped the Saudi military campaign, people are divided against itself (the result of dividing it into some points of the colonial British, upping Bslatin cities and towns in the south and distributes the loyalty of tribes in the north of Saudi Arabia and Egypt) will to suffer as he tries to restore «state» the unity of its people, who now found reasons to stir sedition among «its sides», Mstkdma Iran to strengthen the accused in his patriotism, and to justify politically divided along sectarian base: Zyoud and Ahawaf. ■ Nor Iraq united in the foreseeable future .. has stirred many destinations, Arab and foreign, intriguing factors which between Sunnis and Shiites, as well as inciting Kurds to «Independence» asked in a fully sovereign state instead of «territory», which Iraq's Arabs recognized that be for their brethren Kurdish independence of self within the central state, receives his share of the central state budget, with its language and self-management.

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