ally that some of these wars are increasingly taking a sectarian dimensions, causing vibration and unity of the Lebanese and divide them beyond politics, any sectarian divide. It is known that Lebanon live stable, prosperous and can play a role in the service of Arab issues, as long as his family helped the Arabs in strengthening the pillars of national unity. If divided politically throb of stability, but if sectarianism entered the arena of conflict between the Arab regimes, that threatens Lebanon in its national unity which is the cornerstone of its existence. *** Lebanon live in the heart of the danger. The first President of the site vacant, and this affects national unity, which is based on consensus and power-sharing sites shall be the first presidency of the Christian «Maroni» and the Presidency of the Council of Representatives for a Muslim «Shiite» and the prime minister of a Muslim «my age», and distributed cabinet seats stakes Toaivih accordance with the rules laid down by agreement Taif. Lebanese and likes to assume that their fellow Arabs are keen on national unity, as an eligibility certificate for all Arabs, they are able to immunize this small nation, which governs the compatibility of inter If misfire compatibility or hit Arab differences, which are reflected on the precise balances, the specter of civil war he returned overlooks this small and beautiful home. Its enemy Israel historically gain by demonstrating that the Arabs do not accept the fact plurality ideologically, and thus are unable to build their nations sons are all, without discrimination on the basis of religion or creed.