Daesh did so already with the provisions of Shara but different Bmaiqh dominated by sadism and extremism feelings and violent tendency, looked for all the Quranic verse interpreted Maiguethm dysfunctional calling for sabotage, demolition and burning neighborhoods Vaatmduha slogan .. boy whom no more than twenty years old only saves (I come to slaughter ) did not hear (day of Compassion is the axiom) .. commander burn them captive alive in response to the whims of sadistic satanic then looking after her so for evidence of al-Shara on the same taste troubled .. What is the difference? In the early hours of the beginning of this week, the news was confirmed enable Russian raids killed «Zahran Aloush» leader of the largest faction of the Syrian resistance «Army of Islam». Faction Salafist commander highlight was attending the Riyadh conference ended a few days ago to unite the Syrian - resistant, very important and the information in this context that the «Army of Islam» represents more factions that show a real Sharia _ away from the fabrication Aldoaash _ and an understanding of the reality and prepare for the post - Assad 's commitment, in terms of absorbing the lessons surrounding the trials in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia, and is also the most important because it comes on top of enemies «Daesh» at home ahead of Syrian Assad regime itself, that if we assume that there is a violation feud between Daesh and Assad. Zahran killed Alloh- God's mercy, not an accident as much as what is a confirmation of which is no different than the Russians for Western politicians; policy aimed at long-range Lo and behold continuing Daesh in the performance of his role and the exclusion of any Sunni power _aly Specifically, preventing the completion of this task. If you checked in the search for the beneficiary and affected by the presence of «Daesh», you unfold the dimensions of this policy in our region more clearly is the first part to be Tstirh before talking about the direct implications for the killing of Zahran and what it represents. «Tehran» comes on top of the beneficiaries; the Daesh everything represented by the dread of the international community was very suitable pretext for the Iranian regime, for sure footing in Iraq and extending his influence on Syria at the same time, the characterization is akin to occupy For. Persian arc stretching from Tehran to Damascus did not Ootadh to hammer without understanding far beyond the western Iranian «leaderboard» declared nuclear clauses.