Days after will receive Nouakchott, the capital of the Republic of Mauritania , which is known only to the handful of Arab officials, the first Arab summit derogatory Rahalha where, after an absence or the absence of the capitals of the Arab resolution, or preoccupation with civil wars or wars of change by force systems «rebellious» or «apostate» In which. Mauritania, which has been unknown outside the memory of the Arabs until the year when the state in 1960 formed a connection point between the Arab Maghreb and Saharan Africa. That the First President of the Republic, Mokhtar Ould Daddah, who was elected in 1960 assumed that «King», and so extended his term until it became 18 years of succession, and leaves office only after you wear it a coup followed by a second coup Vii even been restored and the current President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz. *** It is important that the Arab summit, which has become «ownership» after collapsed republics that had the honor of driving, will land finally Rahalha in Nouakchott (or Nyak half) after a long roaming in various capitals of history and endangered now out of date, in the light of the «ownership» Governor mostly in the East (Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman), while distancing Caliph faithful in Morocco about the conflict but remains a clear bias for sons of kings of kings. On this most republics will be absent from the decision even if I attended the hearings: Egypt is heavily Bhmumha has taken the burdens of their concerns, to the Israeli enemy perhaps find her role albeit marginally on the Palestinian issue .. As for Syria opened Saif «boycott» The Iraq Vdev heavy attendance and unwelcome although it was accepted reluctantly, and the Sudan Vaddoum boss barred from traveling internationally will be a heavy burden! As for Libya, the conflict on the state as the system and its nature it is still open.