A reminder: while held the Arab League, in which some saw a colonial project (Britain, specifically), the number of members in seven countries ... As the 15 other state has accession came after breeding grounds do not belong to her family (or tribes scattered among sand and waves, along the Arabian Gulf) .. as well as breeding grounds for other countries does not belong to her family Kjaboty down to the Comoros etc. Even Saudi Arabia were to show the current state of Boukrattha not secure international protection for the family, led by Saudi Arabia Abdul Aziz Al Saud, who will become king, but direct support to them, which enabled them to defeat all its enemies and the most prominent son of governance. Oil was among the reasons for this protection, which enabled it, based on a legitimate cover of the Wahhabi movement, which represented the peak of doctrinal extremism, from the control of this «continent» rich fruits. They have earned the state created by the sword, and after a series of wars in the east and south, the international legitimacy of its oil, which covered the fact that they contain the greatest sanctities of Muslims: Kaaba of Mecca and Medina where. Dominated the oil, then, «sacred», and he carried the New Kingdom, which took her family name by the sword, and the Americans came to the side of the British and Baltazahm with them to the rich black earth with gold, which was discovered Bgzarh exceptional and easily extracted an international event. Oil became a reason for him gas stud states in the peninsula, which has been out of date after the caliphs built their countries and took them outside the capitals (Umayyads in Damascus and the Abbasids in Baghdad and the Fatimids in Cairo after). It was not for these countries outside the emphasis on belonging Arab raison d'ĂȘtre .. As Iraq has breeded have it planted the seed of division, while suppressed revolted against the British occupation, and he refuses Shiite participation in power, which monopolized the Sunnis, and thus was created political situation is not balanced in the land of Mesopotamia will find an opportunity for a coup it could carry conviction when attacked Wajahat Shiites to power with the entry of hordes of US occupation and the support but also direct and incite them «really recalling consuming», and causing at the same time creating a problem or grievance Sunni cause in a crack unit of Iraq ... And paves the way for the growing demand for Kurdish federalism, so that became a call for «independence for the region» away from the central state of Iraq, and the unjustified rise in some voices the need to divide the land of Iraq into three states: one Shiite, Sunni, and the second, third and Kurdish.