How many times have burned his heart Bachthae daughter of his uncle in the Sacred? How many times have cherished for themselves? Of the total apparent ways the story that she was chaste unbeatable intercourse taboo .. hopes to insist on spoiling Aftrtha a reluctant and something to stop him. What aggravated it until the ranting and determination. Shara we learned that some of the lesser evil than some large adultery .. Yes, but adultery with a woman in prostitution whore contest undoubtedly the lesser of propositioning chaste fortified and urge them to outrageous sexual intercourse. Befell her distress and needed the money and what I found is her cousin Tstkarzh, gathered to Forbidden lust lowliness and slag same animal and revolting what condition it adultery in exchange for the loan. I absorbed all the clouds? Hulk all this evil? Anaqbdt all this ugliness? Ahtqrth whatever contempt? You see how many people around you apply to them the same these descriptions? Remember the man who was the daughter of his uncle entices herself in the story of the three who overpowered by the rock? Absolutely I read and heard it dozens of times before .. not counted how many times I stopped in front of surprised this human form , which was extinguished within forbidden lust accumulated over the years in one moment , and as soon as one word!