One century enough to defrost dreams and evaporated as a result of the collision harsh reality that standing time justifications to continue and entrenched .. Thus, live from the rest of the Arab believer identity case of rupture between reality and steel, devastating his dreams, and between historical ambitions to build tomorrow better consistent with chapters glory of his past, which is gaining more and more features of a dream or wishful thinking in the face of hard facts of the present who wish to reject Afeedzh his lack the resources to turn dreams into reality strengths. Enormous widening the distance between the date manufactured by your presence and your ability to act, and the date you made in your absence and in the light of your failure to act. Most political entities have Astoldt, mainly in the Arab Mashreq, which carries out the decision inception of the will of the people, or even without consulting them around the reasons for its inability to complete the unit. Secession has become a reality and heavy returned ambition to unite distant dream Astrhnh foreign (and owner of local interest) to protect the reality of separation. Mashreq, then, from below to the maximum, steeped in mesmerized projects, did not limit its risks even storming «Daesh», theater, a fighter against everyone. That has provided an opportunity for each person able to try his luck Afiktta of Arab land ounce, influence if not squatters .. This is the case of Turkey, which advanced to take their share of the pie as, in the absence of Egypt «Sunni leadership» qualifying. On all these fronts ahead of Moscow to book a space, and the Washington Post for the first time its influence, and here to consult on the two capitals over time to reach the sharing formula, at the expense of Europe, and in the absence of people of the land of absentee or absent! The Arabs Vijrgeon quickly out of date.