The project is the question, today, in light of the course of the Turkish event: Do you have failed coup in Turkey coup last adventures in the Levant region , which governs the military some of the most important capitals, especially Arab ones? Apart from the details, the most important thing witnessed in the fields of Istanbul, and he saw all the world, sound and image: that people have dared to confront the soldiers broke the prestige and arrested many of the officers and soldiers, heavily armed, including tanks leaders, did not Tkhvh warplanes and helicopters. It is true that Recep Tayyip Erdogan is not the best for the governor of the democratic model, but the putschists disoriented after the exposure of their movement and Adtriham to provide an hour to move to nine thirty at night and while the streets and squares filled with Balsahreinn, citizens and Suaha been awarded the golden opportunity to pounce on them and arrest their heads ... in preparation for converts Turkey, all of us, in the following days, the detainee is open to all his opponents in the past, present and future! It's the first failed coup in Turkey, ruled by the military for more than half a century, before Erdogan succeed and his party, the Muslim Brotherhood in the end the era of military coups, which began in our region with the first coup in Syria, led by leader Hosni leader in the spring of 1949, and under the pretext of responding to military defeat in the face of «Israeli gangs», which completed its occupation of Palestine .. which reveal later that Tapline company was behind him .. and I rolled military coups to seize power in Damascus over ten years, and even the establishment of a state of unity between Egypt and Syria .. and prevailed in that period expression «become a coup» mockery of these coups, which does not require more than one of them to control the Chiefs of Staff and the Republican Palace the official radio, that there was no other way public media.