On the road to the establishment of these countries they had been inadvertently omitted Palestine to be a state of the world's Jews under the resounding defeat of the Arab states, which were not known states in the sense of the states, and would be suitable for exposure wasting these countries and their inability to protect their entities Palestine war. Under the French in Lebanon and Syria until the mid-forties the British remained in Iraq practically until the late fifties ... either in the Gulf or «Trucial Coast» British where it remained until recently. As for Yemen alone was «Kingdom» ruled by the imam of Zyoud who trace their lineage to Doha Hashemite has «Astenkvt» foreign powers for «colonization» for the ferocity of its people in defense of their land, and perhaps also to poverty ... and then she was trapped foreign forces (British mainly ) and Wahhabism, which took the Al Saud them a weapon to call for the return of people to the true religion. The first state they drop commander Ibrahim, son of Muhammad Ali Pasha and to Egypt, at the request of the Ottomans failed, Minda homes and smashed «Diriyah» out their call ... but they regrouped, and focused their campaign and invite them in the country, we find, even if the World War I rushed, they reported their experience of the first and then the second, Fkaddoa treaties with the British who were present along the Gulf coast ... under the complicity of international applied to the Hijaz, where he was sentenced Sharif Ali bin al-Hussein (absolute first shot in the Arab revolution as an input to the unification of the country under the banner of Arab , in protecting Britons) ... and Khalaoh without little resistance, and took control of the country - the continent which contain the sanctities of Muslims. In Tunisia, the French replaced the Ottomans until the fifties. As for Algeria will be delayed her return to life as a state until the early sixties and after Shahid million revolution and the occupation, perhaps ugliest in human history, lasted for half a century the century.