Strife: At first systems, the Hashemites in Iraq in the face of Saudi Arabia, and then the two sides together in the face of the Nasserist regime, before joining the ring of some Gulf emirates where oil and gas flow from the late gilded kingdom. The conflict between the Arab regimes has created «It is durable, and thankfully ..» a number of newspapers in Beirut, also supported and promoted other newspapers capabilities, especially as the area of «freedom» offered by the Lebanese system enabled Beirut from turning into an arena political conflict Media between systems conflicting, as well as a courtyard open conflict at home between local political forces in their different beliefs and their links. Especially to have links links with some Arab regimes fueled by contributions «promotional», announcements and help them to a private version numbers (an ad), and all this political support in origin. The conflict between the political council of the Arab regimes Turning left to direct wars, or take care of this system or that specific press institutions in order to fight with him, and at his side, and sometimes on behalf of his battles against the others, has decreased support «overseas media» while directed fairy funds to support the forces of opposition to this regime or so weapons. Alice «sword believe news from Kalim» ?! *** Can mention here, and Instant Mounsy facts door, that many Lebanese newspapers have «migrated» or «I asked him to immigration» or perhaps imposed on him or decorated him success and influence opportunities and take advantage of this Westernization to complete the «battle» was open, or will open later between this system and that, from a collision positions on the Palestinian issue and the draft peace with the Israeli enemy, or in the midst of the conflict - attack and defense - between the Arab regimes themselves. For example: «war» between the Syrian and Iraqi Baathists, the war launched by Saddam Hussein against Iran, the Khomeini revolution, which was completed by the invasion of Kuwait. As well as «war» launched by Muammar Gaddafi on this or that Arab regimes, especially Saudi Arabia and some Gulf emirates etc.