It is obvious that rich countries «oil» that was behind this migration organization of some newspapers and magazines that were published in Beirut and moved itself, which has its place in the history of general Arab press by their names, not the Lebanese only, to the west have moved or transferred with these newspapers many journalists and writers known people with intellectual capital and literary «location or position». Paris saw the beginning and then to London «emergence» Arabic press backed by excellent capabilities on the contrary, from afar the First World War migratory newspapers conditions to Paris. In contrast to the goals of «journalists Shawwam» who have emigrated in the last third of the nineteenth century to Cairo and played a foundational role in the remarkable history of the Egyptian press «Al-Ahram, extract, House Crescent and many other publications». They may Tmsroa and lived aged between Alexandria and Cairo, before he handed over the flag to generations of discerning Egyptian journalists, among them - for example, but not limited to Mr. Jalil, who finally left: Mohamed Hassanein Heikal. *** Turning to the current situation, it can be some important observations recorded before entering into the details: First, the political conflict to the principles and ideas, nationalism and national interests between existing systems have ceased to exist in most parts of the Arab world. It could even say, without fear of slipping into absolute judgments, that «politics» in the Arab world have been lost or are almost extinct. Parties and other forms of political organization have disappeared in the East as in Morocco, and suffered unions and professional associations, starting with the workers and the end of the student organizations. I mean in particular Syria and Iraq, and with them or before them Egypt, Algeria and Tunisia, all the way to Lebanon, which was «the street» which crosses - directly or through an intermediary for mobility popular Arab Ptnzimath political and its parties, especially the ones carrying nationalist slogans: the Baath and the Arab Nationalist Movement and the communist parties as well as Palestinian organizations.