Erdogan's ruling Muslim Brotherhood did not affect his ambition to placement of Turkey to the EU, though the Europeans have refused and continue to refuse to accept a country that likes to see itself as a European not see Europeans only Muslim country (even before he leads the ruling Muslim Brotherhood) .. and that enter their club would spoil religious purity (western) .. Not worth the Arab official acceptance, and with it Israel's formal acceptance and both are close to an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood rule of Erdogan in Turkey, stopping in front of him even a little bit to try to be explained, in all the circumstances that posed? Most Gulf states have acted with Erdogan that somehow its protector and keeper. Forgot Ajoanith, and his ambition to complete Westernization be performed by Ataturk, before almost ninety years canceling all mentions Islam of Turkey Caliphate State for a long time, and with the Arabic script, which was written by the language .. and considered «protector» In spite of its ambiguous, which is almost complicity with «Daesh» in the invasion of Iraq and taken Mosul, capital of «successor» .. as well as his position as a participant in the war on Syria, where, and before and after his anti revolution «field» in Egypt and Amadah in support of the Muslim Brotherhood in spite of the drop rule, which barely completed the year before falling popularity knockouts, which completed its conclusion army. What that combines the governor of Turkey, the Muslim Brotherhood and the rulers of Saudi Arabia Wahhabis (anti-Brotherhood) and the elders of the Gulf emirates hostile to any party or partisanship, especially His motto Islamist includes stabbed Basalamah other countries, even those that claim to control the Sharia Islamic dependency US-Western private and drop enmity Israel?