Mustafa abbreviated example of God's mercy and the status light party in this country .. keenness on the interests of his community before his favor .. was not spared from the harm Svaihm not from the oppression of their masters .. not a coward in the face and did not throw himself in peril .. then if Hsahs Right In him Who it undiminished ... when God meets tomorrow opponents. Your eyes fall on these lines , dear reader , after the end of the second day and final election of the first phase; while I write it before the start of this day , the first day guided evidences .. Despite my expectation that the electoral crowds will not fall from the sky suddenly , but I need to mention here. Did you actually surprised catching masses lukewarm if there is a demand from the foundation or do we pretend surprise? How can we expect from the people besieged by the media for more than a year Baltesfah and downplay the next parliament and even reached audacity of some media and journalists that called for its abolition altogether .. Maalzy we expected from vanquished the people helpless hardly find among the massive rubble of talk-show programs and the likes of newspapers and websites of prepares for this day and seen him enormous influence is on the present and future? Now we bemoan the youth turned his back on the electoral vote in all its details and comments and follow-up and preferred to spend time encourages club enthusiastically Sabahi unrivaled during training Normal does not even come close to the importance of a friendly match!