Enemies industry was an art well done system (Marina) are spectacular, with each decision and at every direction was opened on the same doors of new hostilities is not at home only and even at the international level ... It is strange that the regime at the time did not stop at that, but sought ably in stage following industry enemies to give them all the justification enough to rally against him in one box, and forget it or forget their differences even temporarily to unite their efforts towards the removal of a threat they are. Today the same thing is happening and are the largest and most severe, as if political solutions and to try to reset the problems have become the pillars of the legendary fantasy world. No opponent criticizes eye on the supreme interest not Abrhaa, Tsktonh not Taboon advise him, but competing media channels in Tgeraha Nile him on the way (of Aaatard..antrd) ... and by the way are the same channels that what sensed the government's weakness and lack of wit turned its backs and showered them stabbed and offend ... this would «Almtablatyh» always, cheers for each decision and bullying at all contrary to the opinion, if the failure loomed from afar were the highest people screaming and BETA rush to flee and drove them to pay an opinion!