Heritage itself has contained a correction Altdaev and purification and correction mechanism ... contained diligence mechanism suitable for work in every time and place is no guilt that they have not seen it. The jurisprudence of renewal is inevitable self-evident when both the understanding of Islamic law and to discern its purposes and objectives that do not bear the hardship of human beings, not narrowing their range; but the renewal does not mean burning our heritage under the pretext that extremist groups and did not know Almtntaan only Bastdalalathm doctrinal heritage. Young people who joined the ranks of the «Daesh» from London and Paris fallen prey «recruitment mail» used by professionals to convince him that the slaughter and burning and looting people's wealth unlawfully and terrorize innocent people closer to God and Jihad in the process of verse Quranic and Hadith! .. So the destabilization of intellectual convictions when they will not come thinking properly systematically supports the same assets (the Koran and the Hadith), posting strong arguments derived from these obvious amid the native youth is capable of such intellectual confrontation electronic. What is the curriculum, which seeks (Invited culture) to pass? That governs every human being on the texts of the Koran Bmaigueth Personal whatever the variety of cultural backgrounds and varied types of science and knowledge and numerous tongues and dialects? .. Well so be it, just imagine that mere assumption that the nation in total has consented to this approach, so to be described so why should we deny ( Daesh), for example, to apply the same approach in the taste and understanding of the verses of the Koran? Why deny Daesh that adopted the same approach, free from any scientific basis?