Uncertain and that the absence of Egypt for the theater and deed Arab political space has expanded the jurisprudence apparent political differences actually .. Also, the victory of the resistance in Lebanon, represented by «Hezbollah», who does not deny his relationship with organic Iran (armed and trained and funded) has added to Iran balance (along with Syria) .. While the situation is «neutral» but «cold» taken by the Gulf axis driving Saudi Arabia, the confrontation of fierce fighters, the party with the Israeli enemy, has beaten - again - and the unity of the Arab position, even from this enemy. *** When was the outbreak of the war in Syria and it divided the Arabs, already fractious, into two camps: first, a Saudi - Gulf, along with Turkey, which had lived honeymoon with the Syrian regime .. It was obvious that many see in this division suspicion of indulging in sectarian war, jumping from over the Arab identity of Syria, focusing on the variety President. Again, manifested here seriousness of the isolation of Egypt from playing its role omnibus, from its position as the largest Arab country, and her history, which no one can be denied, whether in the face of Israel (before the Camp David Agreement), or in people flying from indulging in a game of suicide confessional. As for Iraq, the US occupation of their territory and the projection system and deliver Tagath Saddam Hussein to Shiites in Vaudhahm terrible enhanced sectarian nervous, all that has established open for sedition in the land of Mesopotamia, soon benefited from climate divisive each stakeholder in writing off Iraq's role of high impact in the confrontation supposedly open with the Israeli enemy, and the transfer of land to the conflict entitled doctrinally. In contrast, the struggle for influence in the region has reached Yemen. There is also made to support Iran Zyoud (they are counted with the Shiites or including) versus Ahawaf They are Sunnis who rushed to Saudi Arabia adopted under the pretext of concern for their share in power ..