Each had a political entity that was established after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, then defeat and extinction in the First World War, justifications for its existence from outside the interests of the nation .. Again and is sectarian, and again is oil, and a third time is a regional, tribal, and always is to provide the required transplant Israeli entity guarantees in the heart region, watershed between «Araban« in the East and the West. The Israeli project is the common factor between the interests of the East and the West, and at the expense of the people of the land, all the Arabs called Palestine, the whole world called Israel. *** Among the Arabs frequent ignorant live in her dreams confused, and some legends or plucking fragmentary of spaced historical stages which mixes the first Islamic conquests done by the Arabs with solid facts that rolled then blended with ethnic Arabs Persians and Turks, Kurds, Chechens, Tatars, Uzbeks, etc. and others who ruled as the Caliph or Worth succession or some of them under the banner of Islam was not the impact of Arabism in these «kingdoms», which was the fragmentation of the state of Islam with it and Tlavljevha .. and missed by the Arabs or Gabwa decision from the decision-maker. Among the Arabs frequent ignorant in the era of dimming, which extended throughout the centuries, perhaps a dozen or more, living in her dreams, and the lack of conscious offering direct interests on the identity of the university .. The secession investment pays off .. and cultured after the demise «sultanate» and the rule of colonialism western countries several countries each state «elite» which makings of foreign rule (the mortgagee of course those who created ..) then comes interests you shall take this provision, once again, to the foreign, as a guarantee and reference resolution, any decision and every decision.