rder of the day», which is trying to implement the gilded systems: Change is forbidden! Even if you execute this command led to the dumping of the Arab country, which revolted audiences a foretaste of the revolution in the quagmire of civil wars, often sectarian slogan or demands gilded or even ethnic. To implement this successfully, has to be the absence of Beirut, Bmaadenha and energetic people who lived patterns of opinion and freedom of movement may not be perfect but «contagious» and, most importantly: with the media, written and visible. Thus sink Arab countries with the blood of its people and plunging the pan Arab region with silence, removing them voices that reflect the Arab human longing for freedom and progress, efficiency and justice. *** Lebanese press may not be eligible to play the role XI revolutions, but it was - Pfaudhaha and the multiplicity of fora - reflects the demand but right to know what is happening in our present and scheming for our future. For this live press in Lebanon in the midst of a battle to defend existence, as the last Arab witness to what is being planned for this glorious nation.