Carved out parts of the entities were Ottoman provinces, draw a border governors days Sultanate conflict gold with the «door of Higher» or «Sultan» sometimes under the pretext of diversity sectarian or doctrinal its population, and sometimes under the conflict of interests between the neo-colonialists cover .. has played the initial discoveries of oil a prominent role in this area (Iraq and the beach of the Gulf Arab Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar ..) as well as Oman, which was once the Sultanate of quasi-empire most chiefdoms what was called «the Trucial Coast rally». In contrast, «Yemen» state soaked it into oblivion, the south under British colonialism to secure the route to India, and his family distributed nationals for a group of «sultans» in the number of poor villages and center of Aden harbor the extraordinary importance of the incidence on the Gulf could be of military force where Sea Control Arabs, who constitute a link between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, while holding the door of the British-Mandab is also leading to the Suez linking the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea Canal. *** In that period was almost project in Saudi Arabia has been taking shape, especially, it has seduced the British Sharif Hussein, King of the Hijaz, project towards unifying the Arab neighboring homes (the Levant) in the Kingdom of super! And «appointed him» leader of the Great Arab Revolt .. and then did not hesitate to wear it and exiled to Cyprus in which he died, Facilitators way for Abdulaziz Al Saud to extend his power to most of the Arabian Peninsula, retain their long Arabian Gulf Bashatiha, starting from Basra in Iraq, and even the Gulf of Oman .