If the popular uprisings that toppled the designation «Arab Spring» has filled fields chant of the revolution as a way mandatory for change and directed by the Arab street from the case of gangrene imposed by repressive regimes and Asttalt Dehra, these magnificent uprisings were no «head» without «Party» or «regulation »commander, but without the leadership of any kind, and that it collected millions of angry and overflowing with determination and the will to change. Thus possible «regime Arab» to face, and that Akhadaha and circumvent them his ways cunning and strength phenomenon and Almbuh, and unite the various regimes «Republic, ownership and in between» the dispersing angry crowds, and Mkhadatha patterns of change that a change in the interface, and even in the head, but they are trying to « renew »system from within, including perpetuate change if the people at the top, and introduced new logos deceive the masses and the revolution are trying misleading claim that the change has been for the masses ... and you leave fields. Among the reasons for this «setback» that oil systems, it has initiated a defensive attack represented in support of the new regulations breeder by Caesarean section, as a substitute for actual change Almtmouh him. Thus lavished billions in aid and loans, which is always unconditional, the breeder systems by Caesarean section to derail the process of change to Almtmouh, Vonastha temporarily, and to enable them to deceptively People's mobility and occupancy glow of gold that will flow from it Kenjdh wealthy brothers. While the reality has not really changed, but that these donations and aid, which turned out to be repayable loans even after a while, the system helps to stay and being able to deceptively fields until the departure of the last rebels, or «kidnapped» them.