We have been able to Saudi Arabia, influencing doctrine, to drag some Arab countries to support the war on Yemen, or not to object to them, under the pretext of repelling Iranian intervention. Thus, changing the position of Saudi Arabia, along with cooperation from Lebanon and his Council (GCC), declared a «war» on «Hezbollah», among its war against Iran, which it accuses of supporting «Ansar Allah» and former President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen. Although this party participate in the governments in Lebanon since a year-ten two cabinet ministers, with no objection from any Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, which were until recently continued with this influential party in the Lebanese political life, in recognition of its distinctive hero liberate the land Lebanese abomination of the Israeli occupation. Now excuse: the role of the party in support of the Syrian regime, which Tqatlh Saudi Arabia and some Gulf states through the medium, after the kingdom was a partner in the care of Syria to Lebanon since the Taif Accord, and even the near past. The well-known is the visit by the late Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz to Beirut with his Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, on the eve of the blast in Syria, in 2010. It is no secret that the Saudi position «and Gulf digress» may malfunction role was expected to Egypt to seek to heal the rift between Syria and between the bloc doctrine. Crisis that triggered the Saudi-Iranian relations, after the tragedy of the pilgrims in the Grand Mosque in Mecca has been added, and then after the demonstrations that have attacked the Saudi Embassy in Tehran, along with the Consulate General in Mashhad, new dimensions to Riyadh attitude of the government in Lebanon, and the participation of «Hezbollah» them.