In summary, the Islamic Cooperation conference which did not have any effect on the States belonging policies to him, compelled the most part .. or courtesy sought impoverished country to benefit from the rich in the oil states, notably Saudi Arabia and other Arab Gulf states, has lost over the years its title and its role. This conference was originally established at the initiative of Morocco's King Hassan II, in September 1968 after a month of the feet of the Israeli enemy on fire management in the Al-Aqsa Mosque almost go in this holy place for Muslims, since his name was mentioned in the Koran before their arrival in Palestine and Jerusalem. Despite the supposed legitimacy of this conference set up by the inability to defend with arms for all of Palestine, as distinct than ever downloaded the mosque among the Arabs mainly, along with other Muslims, relations between Islamic countries have not consolidated nor is strengthened after his residence. The withdrawal of talk about the liberation of Palestine from circulation and therefore of the literature of this conference, and to withdraw from the literature of the Arab summit, to be replaced by talk about a political settlement of the conflict Arab-Israeli based on the King of Saudi Arabia late Fahd bin Abdulaziz Project, adjusted, which is asked in the Arab Summit in Beirut in 2002. Here are Israel declares days of the conclusion of the conference in Istanbul after work, he rejected any talk of re-occupied Syrian Golan to Syria, and even held a session of the Council of Minister in the Golan to devote her claims remain on the Golan to the Day of Judgment! And all the Islamic conference and the Arab nation's fine.