Then choose the Arab League Clovis Maksoud to be ambassador to India, «thrust into» House leader, Jawaharlal Nehru up residence .. and while holding the Bandung conference this industrious vital found thought a historic opportunity to get to know the Non-Aligned Movement leaders, Sukarno and Tito Zhou Enlai then liberation heroes Africa Nkrumah and Modibo Keita and Sekou Toure and Lumumba. It has become since that time advocate of Third World bode abilities, if they have qualified for the construction of a better future leaders .. That setback 5 June 1967 was soon dispelled some of the dreams of Clovis Maksoud, he left the League of Arab States to belong to «pyramids» Mohamed Hassanein Heikal writer and activist in the field of international relations, interlocutor guests compelling Nasser of thinkers and preachers missionaries better tomorrow for man in four ground winds. The House this optimistic eternal, and is capable of inventing hope from the heart of despair case, which took its way into the hearts «fans», Forum senior visitors to Cairo from politicians and Arab intellectuals and foreigners who host «Ahram» and then invite them to his home in Giza, which was accepted by the founder of the movement communism in Egypt Henri Curiel.