The Arab press, in general, suffers the fate of the crisis. The reason for the crisis lies not in spending on newspapers size or decreased advertising volume (newspapers ownership and princely and the people of the overall system are bursting with ads, which emphasizes loyalty and sincerity in dependence on the decision-makers) ... but is lies in the emptiness of political life, but rather lack of it, and put «nationals »Set in front of choice: either submit to and obey what is determined by the Oulu it in us, or engage in adventure will end its bankruptcy inevitably, and with it the loss of moral tally for the inability to complete the road. The title is the only crisis: lack of policy in the Arab world .. Politics, meaning original, in order to shorten the further from the people of the system or to object to their persons. It is a conflict to the principles and the struggle for a better future .. and the full rights of the people, the most serious to be the decision-maker in the affairs of his homeland, and thus in the choice of political system and its leaders as he may deem closest to his illustrious. Either in the country without parties or popular organizations capable and qualified to fight for people's rights in their country, it will remain the king is king, the owner of the right decision, even wrong. The Arab regimes are similar to the extent of matching, and almost fall out differences between the «Republic» them and «Royal» and «princely» and ... accusations of dictatorship, exchanged by some leaders against each other, some in cases of dispute and collision quickly Anssounaa Phipptalunha in case of «reconciliation »and« harmony »in order to« interests of the nation ». The illness is not in the press, but in who owns the press and other media, and this brings us back to the heart of the circuit self-evident question: Is the right of freedom of self-evident human rights or is it a grant from the governor of his flock sincere ?!