It is no service to the enemy Israeli dangerous than puffing in the fire of sectarian and revive the tragedies of the conflict between Sunnis and Shiites, which is supposed to have been settled in the stomachs of history, especially in light of the emergence of the Patriots after EON oppression Ottoman and crystallized «Arabism» as a political Mosque for the Arabs in various their countries ties of geography History and religion (though there were many schools of thought, as a legacy from the past and not as a form of government in the present and future). *** In any case, we are now facing a new Turkey, and its president, who treats himself as Caliph of the Muslims and dreams of restoring the glories of «the Ottoman Empire», Egypt is hostile and fighting in Syria occupies parts of Iraq declares that «partner» in the battle of Mosul, even if the Iraqi government refused, and invoke the presence Iranian in Iraq to demand their right to protect «the year» ... and rushes in the direction of Russia after the imbalance that has occurred on Almkan alliance with the United States relationship and aspiration of Turkey to join the EU, a requirement Aziz fetched as evidenced by the positions of European countries .. shall respond Turkish accusing these countries of sectarian intolerance, and perhaps also ethnic.