While Egypt adhered to the Declaration of the Arab identity in its state «Arab Republic of Egypt name», officially at least, the country such as Yemen has dropped the word «Arab» for its official name, as well as Iraq, Libya, and Syria, while the regime clings to this identity (Arab Republic Syrian), the combat against armed opposition had been dropped «Arabism» deliberately about the identity of its authority. In contrast, the state, such as «United Arab Emirates» had little choice, since without Arabism could each chiefdom to take her identity Islamic Group and peace. It is obvious that raises these contradictory practices many problematic «Sultan» new, is not enough to cover the Alliance of emergency with some Arab oil regimes in the face of Syria's involvement in the war on them, whether disguise this war to object to the regime's practices in which (while allies of the Arab kings, princes, sheikhs did not learn to democracy, nor are they in the process of adopting essentially tribal their systems monopoly of wealth and weapons, and politics. nor do they justify this behavior «colonial» in Iraq, under the pretext of participating in the liberation of Mosul process on the pretext that they «Sunni city», as if Turkey twenty-first century, and with secular system (albeit referee nowadays my brothers logo and practice) is the Sultanate is built Osman age age ..