Away from religion and rituals, state, Erdogan revealed by its president and its prime minister and his deputy to «field», in recent days, and with the direct rule in Iraq, the battle to liberate Mosul, two decisions that Turkey's right to defend «Sunnis» who make up the majority of the people of this same date the city heritage, recalling the Ottoman Empire, the beginning, and then the Treaty of Lausanne, which was held between the Western coalition countries (Britain and France) and Turkey, which had been freed from the burdens of «sultanate» and her sins, but the first World war came along with Germany, came up with a defeated and full of faults .. Suddenly, from outside the expectation, tumbled Arab regimes that says secularism, the same exculpatory of religious fanaticism or sectarian .. and perhaps exaggerated the claims of those denied the suspicion of monopoly power where groups strive to cover belonging to a specific doctrine of the identity of the party 's secular (Baath in Syria, Iraq , and the party socialist South Yemen in light of separation from the north In contrast, Turkey, which depends on its secular political eons after the Islamic Caliphate, and gradually move Under the ruling party, now led by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a leader prominent in the organization of the Muslim Brotherhood, to return to the issue Veiling women, including but on their head «harem» the head of state and senior officials .. this before you talk about political alliances woven by the Turkish regime regionally, most notably in this context, with the most dangerous Arab and Muslim enemies in general: Israeli entity the military has enrolled in NATO, although not acceptable to Europe in the union, despite all the concessions made by.