As if the Sunnis in Iraq «foreign community» or «minority» oppressed and not some of his family and among the most elite, and they were in power in Baghdad for a century only slightly, while the people of the Shiites (who are the most numerous) marginalized. Then that Mosul was in the forefront of the national work. But after the US occupation of Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein, in the spring of 2003, it was «attacked» Shia power, claiming compensation «EON deprivation», although power remained «complex», officially, on the basis of partnership and shared positions on doctrinal base (and ethnic) and decides that the president be a Kurdish Sunni (a position he Ramzy but the aim is to emphasize the Arab brotherhood Kurdish), and House Speaker Sunni (Arab) the head of the government, which enjoys wide powers he is a Shiite, and in the government is to everyone, as well as in the army and security forces, and that there was a likelihood of a Shiite (the people of the power attributed to the numerical majority ..). It is true that Iraq over the transition critical, punctuated by serious errors and manifestations of sectarian obtrusive and offensive, and clashes racist (the Kurds) and sectarian (Sunni-Shia), but the reality is that that phase has passed and passed around, especially after the overthrow of the Maliki government and the advent Abadi to power, and it moved the problem to Shiite extremists who Attaiwn claims last injustice to cover the looting and lawlessness under the pretext of «compensation for ever and deprivation» !! ... So slogans «secular» fell and all that had been flown by the Baath party of principles and objectives of the first of equality among all citizens without discrimination on grounds of religion, sect or ethnicity, and recognition of the rights Alokulaiat..k.