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go back to the basis of the subject, to any risks that threaten the unity of the political entity (the state) for both Syria and Iraq ... In Baghdad, the influence of political (and military presence influential) of the United States of America, as well as the presence and influence and direct participation in the decision of the Islamic Republic in Iran .. In contrast, in Damascus, political influence and a presence militarily effective for Putin's Russia, as well as some of the most powerful fleet Maritime Military became when the Syrian coast (in Tartus), as well as some of the strongest fighter planes, as well as an unspecified number of officers and soldiers ... but it is, on the the political level, striving to make reconciliation in support of the system, which is the other side of the open support of the military regime in Damascus. Conversely, where the political influence and a presence militarily influential Iran, as well as direct for «Hezbollah» participate in battles .. Although the cooperation between Moscow and Tehran have close ties and is growing upsurge every day, and coordination based (politically, militarily and economically) in relation to Syria, (and the latest evidence the trilateral meeting between foreign ministers from Russia, Iran, Syria, and ministers in Moscow, last week), but there are those who believes that the need for the Syrian regime to them to make it in a position of weakness, relatively speaking, while their relationship with their dewy .. It has caused Russia's support for Syria in the hit-covered political organizations terrorism religious to expose the Turkish military intervention, as well as political, which is represented in the occupation of some areas of the north Syrian (Jarablos city and its environs) .. with the threat of progress towards tenderness for allegedly participating in the liberation of Daesh .. this at a time when Washington considers it involved editing tenderness, and prevent the transmission of «Daesh» defeated troops from Mosul (Matthew ended the fight) to it, and almost «deducted» from Syria ..

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