A few years ago , and following a football match caused a handful of journalists and «Reporters» here as a metaphor is not really in the outbreak of a huge rift between the two peoples , Egypt and Algeria was soon involved in raising many of the fire is still memory (YouTube) retain the provisions of their terms and butter , which volatilization of Ohdagahm incites enthusiasts lethality any Algerian they see in front of them! And then another almost media to kindle the same fire between the Egyptians and Moroccans, and then another one down the phone in the face of the Ambassador of the State between us and them stress enough the precedent has not seen her TV screens ever seen .. and so on .. if you go untold in five years, just what dragged the young state relations and interdependence of peoples from the scourge might Oaaak Search! Some of those who deprive him of sleep to see a real alliance based on a strategic partnership between Cairo and Riyadh took the opportunity for a real disagreement on ending the Syrian crisis to fill the world, including excels from verbal abuse and (Alrdh) and (calibration) and it was unleashed has eluded him suddenly and without warning! *** (2) Strategic relations between the countries concerned that between those countries of the common constants or single interest or security perspective largest clearly than anybody else from the points of difference .. strategic relations between the countries take the character of its name, meaning they are long-term relationships, which always looks at the long-term future and it does not affect the small detail here or there .. but only affected if they accumulated small details to take the form of (hard to go) .. then the parties to the strategic relationship in the review of their accounts and analysis of the positions of each other begin to decide after a group or individually, either consider those details indicative of the shift strategic relationship, whether in evolution or macular .. and regard them as if either were not preferring the continuation of their relationship based on a calculation of interests.