Flananna agree on the will of a bright future with the imposition of that we agree on what this radiance and focus together on the symbolic caricature The right that engine is very imaginative, and ask ourselves and with us Ahram newspaper ancient: from the failure of Egypt from time of the Pharaohs and now on the progress towards That is a bright future? Lance Salafis did not please the party and then to light at the time, but I'm asking adults like an ant-Ahram, Al-Ahram ask veterans like an ant ask seasoned experts like an ant-Ahram: Who malfunction Egypt for alleged realize the bright future? Let us focus more on one century ago, but say only half a century, since the fifties of the last century, and even before the glorious revolution of January by the Constitution of the last Egypt and locked her in a medieval bottom? Who is responsible for the decline of its economy after the Great Britain was the city of the same to us? Rip its army and reduced its land and suppress its people and silenced every tongue shows and confiscated all contrary opinion? From lied to his people and released headlines of national newspapers, especially the Al-Ahram victories phantom and every woe woe to those who objected or demanded the right to knowledge? Who invented the saying «no voice louder than the voice of battle» to justify any violation of human figures of the Egyptian citizen beyond the ugliest what was happening in the Middle Ages? Deceived Egyptians slogans at a time when Malaysia was wakened, and China is growing and Korea Taatamlq? Egyptians invented a distraction from the news of the dancer and actress and singer on the news and we fail Tgahqrna scarce and the world about us?