hardship signs visible on the face of falling rock , which of course will attract Egypt in its impact on the bottom of the abyss symbolize the «medieval»! The final effect does not require more detail ... Salafi Nour Party specifically represent the opinion of the painter and then Al-Ahram newspaper only obstacle to Egypt for clubbing clear that the future of painting is very bright and very promising very different .. Not only that, but the light will be paid by the party alone to the Middle Ages, of course, through its presence in the next parliament ... How do you know? Oh I forgot to tell you ... Title Source by cartoonist is «aware»! ... Of course instructs Egyptian voters to vote for the Nour Party sponsor the arrival of Egypt to this tragedy! Well ... criticism accepted within the framework of freedom of opinion is required, regardless of the fact that such a caricature direct incitement of the newspaper owned by the state pays citizens whom Salafis salaries of its employees against a political party given, regardless of also about the confiscation of palm leaves to the opinions of millions of others who do not agree with the writer vision , but I will skip all this will not be exploited and press my space in defending AL co-founded and still am proud to belong her ... Sotjaozh to use the same right, which Stthompsh by the pyramids of freedom of criticism and expression of opinion waste but is would argue that a more objective and farther from personifying the difference!