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Meteorological Agency experts are expected to prevail on Friday mild weather northward slant heat on South Upper Egypt during the day, cold at first very night cold at the end amount to frost on the central Sinai, and less visibility in the dense morning water mist on the north of the country until the middle of Egypt this and multiply low and middle on the northeast and South Sinai clouds and wind, most northeasterly moderate Recommended search prepared Leading Brotherhood Amir Bassam, continuing acts of violence and terrorism against security officers with a set of controls and caveats, the research involved seven recommendations included base configuration information in all of the Islamic Movement members who are trained to arms, and knowledge of all those who participated in the Afghan Jihad, or other post-combat , where the study described as "a good nucleus Offer MPs from the Liberal Egyptians Party (Tarek El-Sayed Mohammed Masood Amr Sidqi and left Maghazi) urgent statement to Dr. Ali Abdel Aal Chairman of the House of Representatives, addressed to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health because of the lack of medicines crisis in all hospitals, pharmacies and lack of filters units dialysis and a shortage of medicines Cancer patients hospitals Egyptians announced via the site Entries GPL "Twitter" solidarity with the armed forces on Hachtaj "Aldzerh_tan_piedh Aljeic_almsry", in response to the channel "Al Jazeera", having fabricated a documentary in which attacking conscription in Egypt, and entered Alhastej most actively traded list via SMS tweets site "Twitter ", after insulting exerted by the channel" Al Jazeera "on Egypt and the Egyptian army in particular, and without activists across this Alhastej objected to this blatant encroachment of the military institution cheap flights from dublin to gatwick london cheap flights from dublin to gothenburg sweden cheap flights from dublin to gatwick cheap flights from dublin to hawaii

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