(Even if you sat them as the man seated women) .. If the past all the fantasies of sick and propositioning verbal, the situation is now different, not separated from sexual intercourse is the Sacred few centimeters .. is at the height of his desire Sacred really .. all conditions are in place .. the mouthpiece of his cousin (Hit you) .. Fi sermon served and the case what you see? Says the man (when he signed between the legs) .. accurate descriptions transported us to talk more than take care of the novel with the mind to imagine the scene coordinates and understand the details, which the palm of her tongue prophetic temperance; .. His cousin, while agreeing with him forced to order their need and not that rationale no doubt, but did not lose hope that he gives for the completion of the determination by the ugliness said :( Oh Abdullah, Fear God, and do not open the ring, but right) .. if we follow all the contexts we find another possibility abating agreed: (not lawful for you to break up the ring, but right) .. important, Fear God? What do (Fear God) with such a man? What has changed (Fear God) with a situation like this? Just think it can be deduced that the man he knew (God) and was at least knows what will give him the sanctity otherwise would have been mentioned (to God) in vain, for example, with an infidel man .. He knew the limits of God's permission, but he insisted on the violation.