Dar Al Zaman Arabs full cycle, after a hundred years of their attention to identity the university and the history can track glories, before the collapse of the «state» and dispersed the hands of Sheba, following «nations» various took them aware of Islam and killed him .. On the eve of the arrival of Western colonization to reframe their reality , including It fits his interests, if they are monarchies and republics , many mostly lacks the means to life. ... When the Arabs aware that Western colonization, Britain, France, and even Portugal, you may distribute their own countries as «the legacy of Ottoman Sultan», they tried to regain their identity University, Arabism, but they were too weak to reject imposed Vslmwa Bugeanathm drawn according to the interests of the new colonizers, hoping to renew their struggle for unity, and that took a long time and consumed generations of them. Will spend the time before you wake up from Sakra independence only to discover that none of the breeder entities by Caesarean section, particularly in the Arab Mashreq, it is a viable independent full sovereignty: The borders drawn by the interests of the colonizer strongest, (and was then Britain) taking into account the oil wells and the necessities of the Israeli project to protect, who was «a promise given to those who do not have a colonial British who had no rights to the Zionist movement.»